O.P. Terra di Bari was founded thanks to a group of table grape producers from Noicattaro, who came together with the aim of seeking to achieve constant improvement and better promotion of production in terms of quality, food safety and environmental protection. Today, O.P. groups together around 50 farms, for a total of approximately 350 hectares of cultivated area on which primarily table grapes are grown. A spacious and well-equipped warehouse, with several air-conditioned processing rooms and about 2,500 mq of cold rooms, mean O.P. Terra di Bari can satisfy any customer request in

terms of the product type and packaging, storage and transport.


The entire production is carried out by a single agronomic line and is constantly monitored using a high-tech software app designed to support an appropriate quality system, in full compliance with agricultural good practices and guaranteeing premium quality standards.


O.P. Terra di Bari primarily produces: organic seedless grapes, organic seeded grapes, conventional seedless grapes, conventional seeded grapes and cherries.


Sede Legale e Operativa: Via Casamassima z. i. 70016 Noicattaro (BA)
Tel. 080 4793816
Fax 080 4796749
E-mail: [email protected]