COLT.OR is a cooperative company whose members-producers operate in the Italian regions of Abruzzo, Lazio and Puglia. In was founded in 1983, specialising in the production of traditional fresh vegetables. Products are processed at two factories located in Conca del Fucino; one of these specialises in the processing of carrots and potatoes (facility in Ortucchio), whilst the other specialises in the processing of fennel (facility in Venere).
The high level of specialisation and application of procedures to control the production process mean COLT.OR. can guarantee quality and continuity in terms of standard and service.


Production – a total volume of approximately 26,000 tonnes and turnover of 14 million euro, focuses on carrots, potatoes and fennel. The company sells fresh and ready-to-eat products.


Via Circonfucense Km 26,5

67050 Ortucchio (AQ) – Italy
Tel. +39 0863 830303
Fax +39 0863 839041
E-mail: [email protected]